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First of all, I have been there. Secondly, I know that a lot can go wrong if one ends up with a career that is unsuitable for them. Thirdly, life is too important not to live it fully focused on things that give you the utmost joy. Yes, I think it is one of the most important choices.

Choosing a career makes a strong mark in all of an individual’s success. This is partly because a lot is hinged on the offering that gives you passion and that you decide to pursue and make a living from. It is expected that the choice of your course of study is a major starting point but when you consider the fact that people could eventually decide to change the course of their career at a different stage in life or even completely branch out based on new calling and needs that they have come to see and feel a strong pull to bridge gaps in, then you will appreciate more the importance of being informed about this new step

Usually, you should have considered this before the choice of a university degree; nonetheless, it does not always follow that what you studied in school turns out to become your career (Certainly you can see this happening with many people in many fields). 

Often, when one gets to the point in academics where you are at that finishing point of writing your project and defending it, you are faced with the challenge of strategizing about how to start out properly with the right career. Sometimes you do not have much at your disposal to make this vital decision. 

Whether you are just about changing course in your career or starting out fresh, I believe this post will benefit you. So in this post, I am going to highlight some vital points of focus that could guide you as you take the leap.

1. Consider your Passion:
The word ‘passion’ may be said to be overemphasized but you cannot take away the import of the word. So yes, am going to bring it to bear here. What do you find yourself attracted to doing that you find easy to offer to others? What are your hobbies? What activities can you sit and do for long with joy and commitment?

You are now getting armed with your degree and need to make that exchange. Certainly, if you have been a student and a young adult, you may have had your parents or sponsors taking care of you and paying for your bills. But now, you have to make your own money and turn your passion towards generating the financial revenue that will make you financially independent.

Even if this is completely different in your case and you have been financially independent and just considering this career change, how about aligning what you love doing with your choice? This will go a long way to leverage you on your career venture.
Are you comfortable with numbers? Is your course of study already in line with the demands of what you love doing? For example if you are comfortable with numbers and chose accounting  as a course you are very well set for the demands of your chosen field. Also you might be good with computer and perhaps already studied a course in Software design, it is obvious to see that you can thrive very well in your chosen field. If you are not too sure about your passion you might benefit from asking your friends and loved ones to help you spot what you are good at. It is imperative that you consider your passion. Sit yourself down and ask yourself if your passion is indeed in line with the career you are about to venture into. 

2.  Consider how to make your skill set adaptably to your career choice:
Understand that there is almost no job security anywhere. This might sound quite shocking but it is true. With advancements in life, business, technology and the advent of the 21st century, comes the instability of jobs.  Sometimes your career may be threatened by the insecurity of the microwave mentality that rules the business world. So you must be prepared for this. There could be possibilities of downsizing or the need for you to take your skill sets to another company. You must be sure that you understand and get a feeling for how you will thrive in that career regardless of what company and where. You must make projections to be sure that the career you choose is one that you will be ready to sustain in both good times and bad seasons too.

3. Consider your personality:
Do you have what it takes to adapt to the regiments of your chosen career? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? If you are choosing a career it has to be one that your personal attitudes, character and mindset is naturally disposed / synergized with. Imagine someone who decides to be a doctor and does not like to be disturbed at night time, hates studying for long and finds ailing people ‘irritating’. Okay, that might be an exaggerated case but the idea is to align your choice of career with your personality: Those characteristics; that make you appealing. According to Microsoft® Encarta® 2009, it is the totality of somebody’s attitudes, interests, behavioral patterns, emotional responses, social roles and other individual traits that endure over a period of time.
This, my friend is very vital. If not, you will purposefully be setting yourself up for a fail. You do not want to be frustrated much later on in your career or eventually turning out to consider branching out later on. Do it now. Your personality determines to a large extent, what you are suited for. There is a professional environment that is best suited for your personality. Find it and leverage your career path on it.

4. Consider a model:
Use someone in the career you want as a model, compare. Check their lifestyle and see if it’s actually what you want; their paycheck, their living standard etc. Of course it can be better for you but that will give you an insight to know if this is actually what you want out of yours. If what you find is comparatively different from your dream then you might need to check again. Look around and find that person that you can use as a basis for your assessment. Do not be shy to schedule a meeting with this person if there is need to. Usually people are willing to assist you with information if you are sincere, polite and respectful when asking for help (However you must understand that such private discussions about their pay Check may not be welcome). So while you are lucky enough to have insider information that will be helpful from such a friend, relative or loved one you must be guided by the perceived rule of questions that should be necessary and those considered inappropriate.

5. Consider a chat with a counselor:
There are professional people that can help you make this decision easier. They are people who have expertise and high degree of competence in this area.  Usually, they are well grounded with the information to guide you. You can seek one out. Their vast knowledge and practical advice will be a great asset. Most often, they work with academic institutions. You should ask questions. You will not be far from finding one. For a start, you can consider having a stop at the closest college or university to you. Perhaps, calling first at the administration block of the institution will go a long way to getting in touch with the professional that you seek. A cheerful face, beautiful attitude and the right questions can get you answers quicker than you thought. So arm yourself and get on with it. On the other hand, how about typing: ‘How to find a career counselor’ on your search engine? 

 6. Research, Research, Research:
First off, let me tell you that when I typed “how to find a career counselor” on Google search engine, the resources I found were immense.
You can research on anything under the earth and end up better informed. The grades you get, the course you majored in, the availability of that job in the labour market, how relevant it is in different sectors of the economy etc. Research involves fact finding. Read books, gather opinions of people, get on the internet. The internet is one of the best things that happened to us. Information is now a Computer and a connection away. Go ahead and craft out your questions on that search engine and voila; it will appear. Research on what is obtainable and make that career decision.
But no matter what happens, don’t do it blindly. Get as much information as possible. Just like choosing a project topic and writing about it, make this an important project. Hopefully, it should pay off with your desired outcome. Let me know what you think.
Good luck!

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